Milk Teeth And Caries
Many parents consider treatment of the milk teeth useless. The argument is simple: “All of them will drop out all the way”.
Dentists assert that such conclusion is deeply erroneous!
Keeping of the milk teeth in a good condition is the backgroundof having healthy second teeth.
In the picture you see how the infection from caries cavities in the root channel extends and influences a rudiment of the second tooth. As a result of this, the rudiment will be lost even without been cut or the second tooth will be cut with the damaged enamel already.
Advice from Nevada dentists : “The earlier you will take the child to the dentist, the more chances he has to have healthy teeth in future.”
Besides, any caries tooth is the centre of a constant infection in an organism of your child.
It is very bad, when there is a necessity to remove a milk tooth with the help of a dentist.
As soon as at least one of them is deleted the jaw growth is slowed down sharply. And when the second teeth begin to appear, there will be no enough place for them. As a result they will occupy a wrong position. It usually brings bite problems, that is wrong closing of the top and bottom teeth.
As a result there appear a number of rather probable and negative consequences:
• a bad chewing of food;
• badly chewed food complicates stomach work (its diseases are possible);
• a constant overload of incorrectly standing teeth, their fast wear process and shaking;
• considerable infringement of a bite can become the reason of headaches;
• an ugly smile which forces the child in the process of growing to be confused and feel awkward more and more;
• quite often visible defects of the tooth alignment become the reason of appearance complexes in a person – unsociability, shyness, disbelief in themselves. In the character there can appear such traits as rage, aggression, malevolence.
None of the parents wants such difficulties to apper in the child’s life.
The development of the caries and its complications:
The formation of a tooth touch
joining of the microorganisms
caries stain
formation of the caries cavities and deep caries
(A pulp inflammation)
(marginal regional) (апикальный radical)
Alas, but mums, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers underestimate the value of preventive dentistry measures. If you are looking for qualitative dental treatment or prophylactic diagnosis, check here And let your teeth be healthy no matter what!